When looking into setting up a permanent server, it is very common to see the big setups from reddit and alike, and be tempted to pursue something similar, however, I believe that except for very specific cases this can be a...
When I first started this blog, I did it with the idea to focus only Industrial Cybersecurity. However, as part of my job I realized that in order to become a better OT Security Professional, it is necessary to have a...
This post describes how to develop and implement a TCP sequence prediction attack to inject malicious Modbus TCP packets with Scapy as part of the Virtual Industrial Cybersecurity Laboratory. Attack Design The Cyber Kill Chain is usually defined as follows: This...
The first step in every attack consists of a reconnaissance of the environment in order to identify vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Usually, attackers will use Nmap to discover the devices and open ports in the network, but in this case, we...
At this point, you should already have a physical process in FactoryIO controlled with OpenPLC. Now I will explain how to configure the virtual machine that will be used as the attacker, as can be seen in the following diagram: This...