A New Beginning

When I first started this blog, I did it with the idea to focus only Industrial Cybersecurity. However, as part of my job I realized that in order to become a better OT Security Professional, it is necessary to have a deeper understanding on certain adjacent and complementary technologies that are becoming more relevant with the increase of Industry Digitalization, in particular:

  • Virtualization
  • Networking
  • IoT
  • Cloud

Therefore, during this time I have been prioritizing the investigation and testing of such technologies, and there is new content coming what will cover these topics.
Additionally, I have also realized that there is an interesting overlap between Home Automation technologies and some of the latest trends in the industrial IoT sector (e.g: MQTT for remote ambient monitoring, predictive maintenance, etc.). Many key concepts translate really well to newer Industrial IoT needs that can be seen in real scenarios, therefore more content can be expected in that area too, as I believe it is a cost effective (and fun) proxy for learning when direct access to industrial equipment or scenarios is not easy to obtain.

Another lesson learned from my first blog series is that “step by step” guides (while helpful), are a content that quickly becomes obsolete as technology changes and new software versions are rolled out. Therefore, moving forward the content will be more focused on highlighting key concepts while pointing to complementary information sources that can be used as guidance for individual implementation.
Last, but not least. While I appreciate all the good feedback and kind words, I cannot keep up with the individual requests for support, therefore the comment section has been removed in order to prioritize focusing on content. Moving forward, there is a “buy me a coffe” button for anyone that wants to show support for the work and knowledge shared.

I hope this new approach is useful and can help people from many different backgrounds in the Industrial Cybersecurity journey.
